XoveTIC 2023


In this edition, nine prizes will be awarded to those works best valued for their quality, excellence and originality.

The prizes to be awarded, with their chairs or funding entities are:

  • R Chair Award: “To the most relevant in the field of security, understood in a broad sense, both cybersecurity in information and communications technologies and security issues applied to other areas”.
  • Aldaba Chair Award – WIB (Women, ICT & Business): “To the most relevant leadership as first author by a woman”.
  • NTT Data Chair Award: “To the most relevant in the field of diversity, social economy and promotion of equality”.
  • CICAS Sngular Chair Award: “For the best work aligned with best practices in Open Science, Open Data, Open Access and Open Source”.
  • ITG Award: “To the most relevant work with industrial application”.
  • CPEIG Award: “To the best paper with first author, a student with a degree in Computer Engineering”.
  • ICT Cluster Award: “To the best poster”.
  • ICT Cluster Award: “To the best oral communication”.
  • CITIC Foundation Award: “To the most relevant in basic or theoretical research”.

Cátedra R Award: “To the most relevant in the field of security, understood in a broad sense, both cybersecurity in information and communications technologies and security issues applied to other areas”.

To: Marc Bernice Angoue Avele, Darian Pérez Adán (collected the award) and Dariel Pereira Ruisánchez for their work “Eavesdropping and jamming via Pilot attacks in 5G Massive MIMO”.

Awarded: Alfredo Ramos, director of R.

Cátedra Aldaba – WIB (Women, ICT & Business) Award: “To the most relevant leadership as first author by a woman”.

To: Hilda Romero Velo, Susana Ladra, José R. Paramá and Fernando Silva Coira, for their work “Indexación y Recuperación de Partituras por Tarareo Basada en Características Extraídas”.

Awarded: Virginia Mato Abad, director of the Chair at the UDC.

NTT Data Chair Award: “To the most relevant in the field of diversity, social economy and promotion of equality”.

To: Lucía Mª Álvarez Crespo and Laura M. Castro for their work “Amosando ou lado escuro dás redes sociais: desenvolvemento do primeiro corpus en lingua galega para a detección de misoxinia en Twitter e Mastodon”.

Awarded: Marianne Blanco Martiño, director in Public Sector NTT DATA.

CICAS Sngular Chair Award: “To the best work aligned with Open Science, Open Data, Open Access and Open Source best practices”.

To: Eva Pardo, Iago Fernández, Santiago Fernández Noriega, María Martínez and Laura Nieto Riveiro for their work “Solución para la captura y visualización de datos de dispositivos wearable”.

Awarded: Laura Castro Souto, director of the Chair.

ITG Award: “To the most relevant work with industrial application”.

To: Alberto Fernández Sánchez, Juan Ramón Rabuñal Dopico, Daniel Rivero Cebrián, Alejandro Celestino Pazos Sierra and Marcos Gestal for their work “Predicción de caudal de entrada en presas hidráulicas usando redes neuronales”.

Awarded: Gonzalo Blázquez Gil, Information Technologies Area.

CPEIG Award: “To the best work with the first author being a student with a degree in Computer Engineering”.

To: Francisco Prado Valiño, Roi Santos Ríos, Carlos Gómez Rodríguez and Jesús Vilares for their work “Prototipo de un sistema de reconocimiento de entidades para la gestión digital de la resistencia a antimicrobianos”.

Awarded: Pilar Vila Avendaño, CPEIG vowel.

Clúster TIC Award: “To the best poster”.

To: Patricia Concheiro Moscoso, Betania Groba, María del Carmen Miranda Duro and Diego Álvarez Estévez for their work “Performance of Xiaomi Mi Band 5 against polysomnography in measuring sleep”.

Awarded: Alfredo Ramos, director of R.

Clúster TIC Award: “To the best oral communication”.

To: Iago Fernández Garrido and Ángel Gómez for their work “Realidad Virtual para estimulación cognitiva de tercera edad y personas con discapacidad”.
Awarded: Alfredo Ramos, director of R.

CITIC Foundation Award: “To the most relevant in basic or theoretical research”.

To: Roberto Prado Rodríguez, Patricia González, Julio R. Banga and Ramón Doallo for their work “Self-adaptive cooperation scheme in a parallel ACO algorithm for binary combinatorial problems”.

Awarded: Salvador Naya, vice-rector of Science Policy, Research and Transfer of the UDC, and Nereida Canosa, councilor of Innovation, Mobility and Infrastructures of the City Council of A Coruña.